What is BERA Test?

  • Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry test (BERA) is a helpful test in determining the child’s ability to hear.
  • It is conducted to examine auditory and brain functions in response to the sound stimulus.
  • This test measures the auditory nerves response to the sound. It is also called the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR).
  • It is most commonly done for newborns and children’s up to the age of seven.

Why Brainstem Evoked Response
Audiometry Test?

It is performed when a baby fails a newborn hearing test at a hospital, as well as for older children whose hearing loss is suspected. It is performed to determine the children’s hearing level and the magnitude of hearing loss.

What are the benefits of BERA and ABR?

  • It provides the audiologists with information about your possible hearing loss.
  • It can be done without the patient’s active coordination.
  • It helps in otoneurologic diagnosis for patients with unilateral or asymmetric hearing impairments.
  • It helps to know if there is damage to retro Cochlear/Cochlear.


Q:What is a BERA Test?

Brain Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) is a hearing test that measures the brain’s response to sound.
It’s particularly useful for infants and young children, as well as adults who cannot cooperate with traditional hearing tests.

Q:Why is a BERA Test Done?


  • To diagnose hearing loss.
  • To determine the severity of hearing loss.
  • To identify the location of hearing loss (inner ear, auditory nerve, or brain).
  • To monitor hearing loss progression.

Q :How is a BERA Test Performed?


  • Electrodes are placed on the patient’s head and earlobes.
  • Click sounds or tones are presented through headphones.
  • The brain’s electrical response to these sounds is recorded.

Q:Is a BERA Test Painful?

Ans:No, the BERA test is painless.

Q:How Long Does a BERA Test Take?

Ans:The test typically takes about 30-60 minutes.

Q:What Do the BERA Test Results Mean?


  • The results will show the patient’s hearing threshold and any abnormalities in the auditory pathway.
  • A detailed explanation of the results will be provided by the Ent doctors.

Q:Can Adults Have a BERA Test?

Ans:Yes, adults can have a BERA test, especially if they have difficulty with traditional hearing tests.